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Getting Started and Advanced Tutorials

MarvelChart comes with an extensive set of predefined indicators, grouped by type for convenience. To add indicators to the Chart, you need to use the relevant button in the Chart toolbar.

Market Profile is an intraday charting technique developed by J. Peter Steidlmayer, a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), from about 1959 to 1985. Steidlmayer found a method for determining and evaluating market value.

The Market Map is a visualization system that allows you to evaluate at a glance the company with the highest capitalization, the one that has traded the most during the day, the one that is gaining or losing the most, and many others that the user can choose at his/her convenience.

Knowing in time what will happen in the coming days could be a great advantage especially for those who work mainly with Earnings and Dividends.

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