Market Map

Market Maps are a popular form of visualization that allows you to navigate, search and analyze large amounts of stock data. They are displayed by sectors, can be expanded by double-clicking on the sector header and collapsed with the same procedure. In this way they allow you to have a complete view of all the companies belonging to that map with larger or smaller areas depending on the parameter chosen in the settings.

At the top of the window there are drop-down boxes where you can select the Market Map parameters:
Select Exchange - Drop-down box from which you can choose the exchange for which to display the Market Map;
Size By - Drop-down box, value that will size the space occupied by each asset on the Market Map. The available choices are:
Change % - Daily price change;
Daily Volume - Daily trading volume;
Employees - Number of employees;
EPS - Earnings Per Share;
Market Cap. - Market capitalization;
PERatio - Price/Earnings ratio;
Price - Price of the asset;
Shares Outstanding - Number of shares available on the market;
Group By - Drop-down box, method of grouping the assets. The available choices are:
None - No grouping, all the assets of the Exchange will be displayed in a single group;
Sector - The assets will be grouped according to their sector.
Area Coloring
The areas in the Market Map are colored according to the daily price variation of the assets within each group of the Market Map. The more positive the daily variation, the more intense the area will be colored in green. The more negative the daily variation, the more intense the area will be colored in red.
Interacting with the Market Map
The Market Map window has several features to simplify the visualization of the data.
Opening a Chart from the Market Map
Double-clicking with the left mouse button on an area will open the related Chart.
Moving the mouse cursor over one of the areas of the Market Map will display a tooltip that will show the values:
Name of the asset;
Numerical value used to calculate the size of the area;
Daily percentage change in the asset price.
Analyzing data for a group of assets
When the stocks of the selected stock exchange have a very wide range of values for the property set in the Size By box of the Market Map, the display may show several very small boxes. In these cases, you can expand one of the groups of the Market Map by clicking the left mouse button on the group header. This will display data only for the stocks belonging to the expanded group. To return to the display of all the groups, simply click the left mouse button again on the group header.