Why Choose

Empower your trading journey with MarvelChart – your ultimate guide to mastering
the stock market.

Real-Time Analysis

Stresses the software's ability to provide up-to-date market insights for users, ensuring they stay ahead in trading.



User-Friendly Interface

Highlights the ease of navigation, suitable to both beginners and experienced users.

Advanced Charting Tools

Advanced features designed for in-depth market analysis, attractive to beginning traders, essential for professional traders.



Chart Trading

The trader needs speed to put his decisions to market. We provide four trading modes, one faster than the other.

Multi-Symbol Backtest

How much time wasted or would be wasted if you had to backtest your strategy one symbol at a time. MarvelChart allows you to run your backtest on multiple symbols at once



Candlestick Patterns

The trader should not forget that the Japanese made their decisions with patterns that they had built by hand drawing the candles on their tables. You will find 200+.

Indicators and Drawings

In MarvelChart you will find 250+ indicators selected from those that have always worked and new ones that we have built. We certainly haven't forgotten about Gann and Fibonacci.



Financial Information

Many traders set up their trading strategies and trading systems often without knowing what asset they are using. The problem is that sometimes companies fail, so reading financial reports allows you to screen and choose the best companies to invest in.

Volume Charts

With volume trading, or VolCharts, you can use 300+ real-time indicators without any delay, unlike a simple moving average. From here you can understand that these indicators immediately reveal all the characteristics of trading on that particular asset.



Market Profile

Market Profile is an intraday charting technique developed by J. Peter Steidlmayer, a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), from about 1959 to 1985. Steidlmayer found a method for determining and evaluating market value.

Economic events calendar

Knowing in time what will happen in the coming days could be a great advantage especially for those who work mainly with Earnings and Dividends.



Market Map

This very interesting visualization system allows you to evaluate at a glance the company with the highest capitalization, the one that has traded the most during the day, the one that is gaining or losing the most, and many others that the user can choose at his/her convenience.

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